How will you celebrate National TRIO Day?
TRIO programs across the country host a wide variety of National TRIO Day activities. Everything from special gatherings, forums, open houses, guest speaks, and award ceremonies. All of these serve to focus attention on the great things that TRIO programs offer students and alumni.
Here are some activity ideas for your National TRIO Day celebrations.
Social Media
One of the easiest ways to spread your celebration message far and wide is to use your program’s social media account(s). Post photos, videos, and messages that highlight your program. Tag program leaders and students and use the hashtags #NationalTRIODay (Twitter / Instagram) and #CelebrateTRIO (Twitter / Instagram). You can even do a Facebook Live video to capture activities as they are happening and have a live discussion during events.
Community Service
One thing many TRIO program students understand very well is the benefits of community service programs. Encourage your TRIO students and alumni to take the lead on a canned food drive, service at a food bank or meal kitchen, or another service project. It can be an opportunity for them to give back and extend the kindnesses they have received.
Field Trips
If your school and/or program can take a field trip, it can be a great way to demonstrate what is possible for students in your program. If you’re in a remote or hybrid environment, you can still take your TRIO students on a virtual field trip. Meeting with legislators at your state capitol and touring the state capitol grounds can be done both in person and online.
College Fairs
High school students are beginning to consider their futures after high school, and many may benefit from a college fair. Organize a college fair that includes workshops, speakers, and college visits, whether they are in-person or virtual. Be sure to include information and contact points for TRIO programs at the college level.
Media Promotion
News media like TV, radio, and newspapers can be a great way to extend your National TRIO Day celebration into the larger community. Arrange for your program director to talk with these news outlets, sharing your program’s story and successes. With parental permission, you can also highlight the accomplishments of students in your program. At the college level, encourage your TRIO students to connect with the news media as well as use their personal social media to talk about what TRIO means for them.
Spirit Week
Bring a little excitement and interest into the period leading up to National TRIO Day by creating a fun Spirit Week. Choose a theme for each day and encourage your TRIO students to participate and share their enthusiasm with others.
TRIO Day Reception
Host a reception and invite the community to come learn more about your program and its purpose. Showcase your students’ accomplishments by hosting a quick-recall competition, art show, or other events. Unable to host an in-person reception? Go virtual! Host a Facebook Live event or watch party and encourage audience participation throughout.
Do you have awesome ideas for National TRIO Day activities that you would like to share?
Use the #CelebrateTRIO hashtag and share it with the TRIO community in your next #NationalTRIODay post on social media.
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